Not a Schizophrenic, BUT HELP! My whole family thinks I'm schizophrenic

So hi everyone, I’m new cause I got a few questions. I’m not a schizophrenic and not that there’s really anything horrible about people who have it, I’m pretty troubled about the issue about it. So ok to start off I’m pretty high right now so everything I’m saying might seem all over the place but it’ll all lead directly to my question. I recently moved across the USA from CA to NY, and after a few days of me and my family arriving here I decided to take some Molly that wasn’t really Molly but had high levels of PCP and meth in it. I’m a recreational/everyday user of weed so Molly and harder drugs really aren’t my thing. But anyway I’m a pretty stressed and anxious person in general so using substances ease my pain and anxiety, so to speak. Now, I got into an argument with my mom, and remember this part, we were staying at my uncles house and I remember her “kicking” me out of the house for a while till we both calmed our selves down. I decided this would be a good moment to take a roll of Molly and I did just that. 30-40 mins later I begin to feel the effects but I’ve taken REAL Molly before so this feeling I was having wasn’t like before and everything at that point felt distorted. I felt scared and wanted to call 911 but was worried about legal repercussions from having a controlled substance in my body and being noticeably HIGH! So my uncle lives in a pretty rural farm town in New York, and he loves up on a hill so I’m walking down the hill freaking out and go to a nearby neighbors house and ask her to call 911 and I’m also having stomach pains at the same time so I tell her that. She calls 911, then a few minutes later a cop and an ambulance arrive. Cops come up first and check if i have any weapons on me, I obviously don’t. Then the Paramedics proceed. They ask if I’m Ion drugs or anything and I say no…

Now to skip that whole part, I arrive at the hospital, my mom arrives 30 minutes later because MY uncles lab decided to follow me for some reason lol, and police found where I was staying from his collar address. The doctors are somehow staring to claim it’s schizophrenia for some gosh awful reason probably cause o told them everything feels distorted and time isn’t real lol, I was tripping which made my depression and anxiety much worse and made me feel like my life was over. So stupid doctors decide to shoot me up with Ativan on my IV needle to calm me
down which doubled my high and my mom tells the doctors I told her I wanted to kill myself, which I did tell her weeks before when I was depressed about a lot of things plus the fact I recently had a good family member pass away from Cancer. So of course that makes it worse. Then my uncles wife told my mom what the doctors described, could very well be schizophrenia. My uncles wife is some mental health “expert” but she isn’t an expert enough to know the difference between a bad trip from being laced— TO schizophrenia! Even though no one seemed to notice I took Molly, the doctors decide to hold me for like a week and evaluate me against my will and somehow find the cause behind this imaginary schizophrenia. So I get out of the hospital, everyone labels me as a schizo even tho Tox records show I had drugs in my system at the time of hospitalization and I kept telling doctors that, BUT NO they kept insisting its all a part of the mental illness, not that I could have just fu$&@ing taken ecstasy! So every time I would go out with some girl and I’d tell everyone, they would question me like I’m crazy and ask me like I’m delusional and I really can’t score dates cause I’m just a delusional prick. And every time literally that I was describe something I’ve seen or experienced, the same. It was always my uncles D-Class wife who’s supposedly a mental Ralph expert. So now, most people in my family have this schizophrenic image of me besides my mom and brother for the most part who seem to think I’m pretty normal.

Honestly, this whole fiasco has led me to have hate for my family in my heart and honestly cut ties with all of those bastards.

So please, can someone please tell me what to do as far as ridding my self of this schizophrenic image that people seem to portray on me, or is it really time so cancel my ties with these A holes!

Sorry for the long ranting and venting it’s late at night and I’m pretty high.

If anyone’s curious, I’m 20.

Sorry for typos, I mean mental health not mental Ralph.

You should go to a psychiatrist and tell him exactly what you said here and ask for a diagnosis. Don’t lie about the drug use.

We can’t really help you here, if we knew how to break the stigma we would do it.

Good luck

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But the thing is I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety. I do not have schizophrenia and don’t think anyone in my family has ever had it. Although I’ve had a few friends who have it.

Thing is I tend to score higher than my family IQ wise and did I mention the fact my family is pretty retarded.

Sounds like you have a drug problem. Stay away from drugs. Minnii offers excellent advice. I don’t mean to sound rude, but don’t waste your brain away.

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i think theres a rule about posting while high on drugs.

sounds like drugs are taking a hold of you. you should try to stop. I know your young so youll have to learn the hard way like most of us. but the sooner you quit drugs the better.

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Actually not really I just experiment and try different drugs occasionally. I’m young. And if it weren’t for marijuana I wouldn’t be the same person today or even sane lol. When the world we live in grinds my gears, weed is like the WD40 that loosens the metal It lets it move freely haha.

I don’t do drugs esp not hard drugs I’ve experimented in the past. But I only consume cannabis and that isn’t a drug IMO.

molly or xtc can cause you to hallucinate or end up with psychosis. and probly gets enhanced when your a daily pot smoker. but eh to each his own. youll figure it out

Yeah but the thing is I’m not a schizophrenic. And pot doesn’t cause psychosis or schizophrenia even Harvard said that.

Pot does cause psychosis, it’s well established by now.

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You should see a psychiatrist to make a diagnose/undiagnose you.

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No it doesn’t! Then many people would have it. Take Willie Nelson Or Snoop Dogg for example. Reefer Madness is still alive and well

But stay away from drugs if you want to be undiagnosed. If you are high they won’t help you.

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Well, I smoked pot for a lot of years, I’m almost 29 now, I smoked since I was 13, up until a year and a half ago, most of my friends had psychotic symptoms with pot, only two of us developed schizophrenia. But I don’t know a single person that didn’t have psychotic symptoms with pot.

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I only smoke weed all day every day so going even a day let alone a week would be extremely hard for me. But then again it’s all in the head!

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Ok maybe then perceiving someone as high or someone have a bad high from good weed could just be as similar to a supposed psychosis symptom. Just because you experience some psychosis, doesn’t mean it lasts forever. Geez, blame the damn pharma pills you take for schizophrenia instead of a naturally growing plant.

It’s hard to know what is schizophrenia and what is pot. Try quitting to get a fair evaluation.


This just shows your ignorance man, I’m out of this conversation. Good luck