Norah jones is god

Not really sayn but yeah oh yeah

I can’t have a hells yeah says something

youre making a lot of random threads today. u oK??? Just checkin :wink:


I’m a little off today, but for good reason. But thanks for noticing

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your new med is a stimulant isn’t it? lol

I wish it were so

no side effects? you seem pretty happy…

I try, I hope I make you happy too

im always happy even if I seem grouchy… 99% of the time im just picking…

I thought god was god. My whole belief system is shattered.

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you called? as god all I have to say is…who the hell is norah jones…lol… I really don’t know who she is…

She’s Ravi Shankers daughter!!! Does that clear things up?

And here’s a random thought. Does God really use the devils home as a curse word? It doesn’t seem right, its like there’s a conflict of interest or an unwritten rule against it or something.

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Than why isn’t she playing large stadiums? If I was God AND a musician I would book a 60,000 seat stadium and make 60,000 people attend by threatening them with eternal damnation if they don’t show up.

Scientists have come to believe that Nora Jones created the universe, and that she is just kind of ad libbing as she goes along. Every time there is a natural disaster it is a mistake on her part.


I think I’ll form a Norah Jones cover band.


Wait a minute, I’m confused.