No valentines 😩

He was telling me how busy he was and tired and on Monday he worked late so we couldn’t meet. So I told him to push Wednesday to Saturday as I didn’t want him to be stressed with his mind on work in case he needed to be working late. So I told him we both be tired so he doesn’t feel guilty not doing it and said we’ll do something nice Saturday. But now I’m upset :weary: I know I’m being an idiot I just feel he hates me.


I forgot a birthday once while I was married. It wasn’t because I didn’t care I was just doing a lot and completely forgot all about it!

Didn’t I cop some stuff from that episode! My bad. It’s not he doesn’t care for you…he’s probably just forgot…we are men you know! Some of us try hard but we do make mistakes!

See how things go and don’t rush to conclusions. It’s all a learning experience and it’s worth the ride!


He not forgot and Saturday we can do something but for today (Valentine’s) I feel he hates me.

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Count your blessings!

From your post several things are clear:
1.You have a man on Valentines day! Yay!
2. He was too busy with work to be able to meet with you on Monday or Valentines
3. He has something nice planned for you on Saturday when you will be able to meet
4. You are still upset that the two of you couldn’t meet and do something nice during the week?
5. You feel he hates you but know that that is and idiotic thought.

This is what I have understood. I find your posts somewhat lacking in description sometimes, or hard to read. But usually the information is there.

The only part which confuses me is your logic in saying you feel he might hate you. That statement leaves me thinking, what could she mean by that? Were there previous events between the two which she isn’t mentioning. Perhaps you can clarify.


I told him to postpone today and worried his upset. I only did it cos he seemed tired and couldn’t make it Monday.


At least its not a long wait! Yes If you celebrated on the day it is very meaningful and shows that you’re making an effort in the relationship to get together and do fun things. But postponing it till the weekend isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It might symbolize that the two of you are mature enough to be patient and wait. Also, the fact that you are both working hard but maintaining is commendable. So I would say postponing means you guys have good communication and are willing to make sacrifices which are necessary for work. It seems many good things are happening for you. Don’t let yourself fall into misguided negative thinking!


I’m confused. Why would he hate you because you were accommodating? Or did he not want to postpone? Would you feel that way if today weren’t Valentine’s day?


I’m taking myself out to lunch today
I am my one true love :heart_eyes:


For the first time in years I’m actually going out with a girl tonight. We’re not together but we’re both single and a lil bit lonely :slight_smile:


Andrey u the man…!!!


Good luck with your date tonight @Andrey


Hey @anon51414962 have u talked to thar girl…!!! Its perfect time today…!!!

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Yes it is perfect time today but I didn’t see her yet maybe later today or in the next days for sure I will talk to her.

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We need update yayy…!!!

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Nah he doesn’t hate you

Thank you @far_cry0 I’m not hurrying/rush. I have plenty of time

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Enjoy ur time… she gonna love u for sure…!!!

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it doesnt feel like valentines day to me tbh but i did send a friend some flowers so i suppose thats cool, it was anonymous but thats ok :slight_smile:

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