No luck with housing

Spoke to the council today regarding council housing but they said I do not meet the criteria for housing. On the back of the last few days this is a bit deflating. But at least I know now. Will just have to grin and make do!

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What are there criteria? Most disabled people should meet the requirement for section 8

Live in Scotland. Council housing is hard to come by. I am on disability but this is not enough. I am a low priority.

Are you having trouble with paying bills and rent Jim?

@cactustomato Jimbob is from Scotland.

Sorry to hear that. That’s no fair.

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Hey @Minnii . No problem with bills so far - just have a terrible landlord who won’t fix anything. He is openly hostile and takes advantage of the fact I am afraid of him and he knows it. I am really worried if I kick up a fuss he will just evict me - might sound extreme but this is exactly what he is like.

I didn’t know what he was like till I moved in. Have subsequently learnt he has a real bad reputation in the village and his girlfriend is a rocket (phrase used round here).

The flat has rising damp and the bedroom window is rotten. I explained all this to the council but they say it is not their problem to fix.

Can you consider moving? That’s a terrible situation.

Since I am not working it is pretty much impossible to get a private let. In addition my landlord will probably give me a poor reference out of spite.

Am not sure what is up with him but when my taps leaked (because they were broken) and flooded downstairs - he said I wasn’t to let any insurance people or downstairs landlords in my flat. in addition he wouldn’t give downstairs letting agent his name and address in relation to work that was scheduled.

Earlier I got upset and asked my folks if worst came to worst if I could move in with them. Mum said yes but neither of us wants this.

That sucks man. Don’t know what to tell you, wish I had a solution for that issue. It must be wreckening.

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Thanks @Minnii your concern is always appreciated. Is not that bad - I still have a roof over my head for the moment.

I just have to stay positive. If I get despondent it will just add to my problems.

Feel I have posted nothing but negative stuff all week! Time to excentuate the positives! :smile:

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