Nice things about me? or things i like about myself?

my therapist today told me to make a list of things i like about myself. i didn’t know what was it i liked about being me. she said i am intuitive whatever that means. when people are mad i can usually tell pretty easy especially if they are mad at me. my in laws have a habit of being angry at me. i broke a chair on accident even though they said they weren’t mad or picking on me i could tell they were angry. they said the chair was an antique.

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TBH if a chair is antique it means it’s even more likely to break. If it was worth money they shouldn’t have it out for general use.

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they said they weren’t mad but come on i’m not stupid. but kay wonders how much of it is they are actually angry and how much of it is my anxiety and over active imagination.


I get what your saying. Sometimes what we perceive isn’t what is actually real. Mental illness can cloud this.


From what I’ve seen of your interactions around here you seem empathetic. That’s a good thing!

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You definitely seem to be a person who is true to themselves. No front. No misdirection. A quality I admire and don’t have.

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