New idea for a section

I think there should be a substance abuse section for people with alcohol and/or drug related problems. People with nicotine addictions could even join in. I think this would help a lot of people who want to get clean of their addictions and need peer support.


Not a bad idea dude.

Yes, a lot of us are addicted to something, whether it be alcohol, THC or nicotine.

I think I am an alcoholic. I once I get that buzz, then high I feel better than ever and my negatives go away I think I can live. Once it is out of my system I can not enjoy anything but that buzz and high I got off alcohol. And that was all I could think of once I got myself out of bed. I stopped drinking about two years ago and finally can enjoy other things in life without it.

Good for you man for breaking the habit. I can’t stay away from coffee or nicotine. Really trying to cut out the caffeine because I hate these late nights.

I am trying to quit drinking. I am finding it surprisingly difficult. I don’t know if I am just bored or addicted.

I drank vodka because I could hide it from my family that does not drink. I would get out of bed at 3pm drink some coffee then start with the vodka. I then came down with vertigo for a week and stopped drinking because I could not drink any with the vertigo. I would not dare drink again because I thought it might have caused the vertigo. I dont know how I would have stopped. I drank for a period of about 5months or so.

I am struggling with drinking vodka specifically.

I can almost taste it now just thinking about it. It did not give much of a headache or anything thats probably why I stuck with vodka.

If your family are social drinkers or somthing maybe they can keep you in check. My family totally avoids all alcohol and if they found out I was drinking they would totally shun it probably.

I want to be healthy and clean from all my addictions!

I feel so messed up from my drinking. Or maybe it is from quitting tobacco. I have not drank today but I want to be in shape like I once was. Just a couple months ago I was working out all the time and I felt strong.

There is nothing holding you back man. Go for it.

I took a shower, put on clean clothes, and brushed my teeth. That makes me feel a lot better.

ive seen that on other forums. my experience is that it attracts voyeuristic comments. causing other users stress as they feel it threatens their sobriety

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Interesting. I like the sound of a substance abuse section but as @Meteor suggests it could have issues.

It is an idea worthy of consideration.

an ’ i love smurf ’ section…
you can never have enough conversation about smurfs…!?!
take care :alien:

Not a bad idea @Daimon - It could work

I wouldn’t mind seeing one. We had one before, but it was tucked inside the Family area where those who needed it most generally didn’t see it. Suspect it would have been used more if it had been in the right place. I personally would use it, although honesty forces me to admit that what I really need right now are 12 Step programs for butter chicken and perhaps doughnut addictions.


Edit: @SzAdmin (poke poke poke)

I’m really trying to keep the forum structure simple. In our last forums with many different subgroups - 98% of the conversations took place in the main discussion areas - and people rarely posted in the other areas - so the added complexity of having all the additional subgroups was not, it seems, worth it.

Why can’t people just discuss these issues in the main forum, or in the Recovery subforum - it seems that they fall under those areas and given that these issues are so common - they are relevant to almost everyone - so I think its fine to discuss them in one of the existing forums or subforums.