New cough. Smoking?

My chest feels full and I have a deep cough. I suppose it’s a result of quitting smoking.

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Drink plenty of water is always good advice. Your lungs are probably just adjusting to the change.


@FatMama I don’t want to upset you but when I quit I didn’t have that. Maybe you do have bronchitis and need some antibiotics. Get well soon.

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Smoking paralyzes little follicles in the lungs, I cant remember what they are called, but it’s common to develop a cough after quitting when those follicles are healing.

Still, I would go to the doctor to rule out bronchitis or other respiratory illnesses.


My sister had that when she quit smoking. She was also very tired.

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i had that when I quit. You cough up all the extra mucus. Once it clears you will breathe so much better!


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