was experiencing pretty major avolition for the last 4 to 5 weeks, before that I had a good 4 weeks of no negative symptoms,
wasnt feeling too flat, just avolition
Today at 3pm or so my negatives just went away. No reason no rhyme. I feel good again like the fog as lifted and I feel able to get things done again. I will make note on it again later.
The difference is so stark, its hard to put into words how weighed down i feel when the negs are hitting me. and when they go away I just tackle everything I’ve been putting off and avoiding.
Guess that’s all part of management. You seem more productive then a lot of the people sz. Negative symptoms are a pain in my experience. Feel better on less medication. I deal mainly with positive symptoms.
I swear that preworkout or a pot of coffee will help the negative symptoms. Sample size of one here proves excessive caffeine to work. And I like Doge. Doge is life. Just wow. Go wow yourself. Wow. Doge speaks very little English and just says “Wow.”
At the end of the week, wow. At the end of the year, wow.
yeah i kind of have some momentum right now, all that mental repetitive impulsive judgemental ■■■■ is largely gone. My mind has finally switched over to finding new thoughts. Today the experience was a lot closer to normal than it ever has been. Watched oceans 12. Good movie.
Negative symptoms are a real pain man, hope you find some coping strategies. Caffeine seems to be a good one on a chemical level. finding motivation was always tough for me so im kind of used to it. I need to get my car checked out, I need to go to the dentist and get my wisdom teeth removed. Real stuff that ive been putting off for a couple months. Gotta get in contact with the social security office and turn in a pay stub. shouldve done that in december.
These are the things im starting to think about now. Getting my focus back to real world, not internal troubles.
I can keep the voices at bay now, took a long time. Little tendrills of sound is all they are. sometimes theyll spike but it passess in a matter of seconds, I just say quit talking to me.
Negative symptoms have to suck dude. Wish I could help but I dont really have any experience with overcoming that.