Avolition is horrid and

is making me look bad. Its gotten so bad recently that just getting up to put some dishes away is like training for a marathon. I have zero motivation and zero energy.
Is this a medication thing or more of a sz neg thing? and what are your experiences/fixes?


I have the same and wonder this too. Followingā€¦


What gets me to do my chores is by reminding myself how good I feel afterwards.


I had negative symptoms even before meds. I just force myself to do the things I need to do each day.

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Try one of these in the morning. It seems to act like a coffee jolt for me that lasts all day long.

If ever i have to do something, I take one.


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For me itā€™s a medication thing but some people have it cause of sz, havenā€™t found a fix for it yet


Iā€™m better since I started exercising again.

Not great but better than I was.


Avolition was my first symptom. It probably will be my last one. I use a spotting from Dr. Low: ā€œMove the muscles and the mind will follow.ā€


Avolition is very serious, thankfully my has gotten better since i lost some weight. But i still have some avolition left, i may drink a lot of coffee to try to compensate for my relatively low energy.

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Mine tends to come in waves. Ill be sitting on the couch for months on end, not doing a damn thing, then suddenly hit with some motivation for a few weeks and have to clean up my disaster of a home. I had it really bad for a long time though and im embarassed of the condition my house was in, but im slowly stepping up my game and my house is actuallly pretty good now.

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I have avolition, specially when it comes to doing what is most important in my life.

I suggest creating some ā€œsub tasksā€ as part of the main task which is being impacted by avolition and then do some/all of those ā€œsub tasksā€ before confronting the main taskā€¦in a way give the mind what it wants (little bit) and do the ā€œtasksā€ that need to be done. You may tell the mind ā€œokay Iā€™ll not do this ā€˜sub taskā€™ā€ so the mind will be ā€œhappyā€ and you strike a kind of deal with avolitionā€¦

I find this approach helpful, letā€™s say I decide on reading a book, as soon as I make the decision avolition kicks in, then I tell the mind ā€œokay Iā€™ll not read the preface/introductionā€ or ā€œIā€™ll start at page 11ā€. Then slowly come back to the ā€œsub tasksā€ which were set aside.

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Iā€™m no longer on APs and my negs are unchanged, soā€¦ Iā€™ve just had to develop habits that have helped me push past them. I started out with doing small things every day and then added to them. The habit to stay busy with something has become so ingrained now that I fairly go up a wall if Iā€™m sick with a flu or such and really canā€™t do anything.


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