So i have a friend who is adamant that my symptoms are demonic and the only reason I’m sick or sad is because I don’t have faith. He’s quite fixated on it as my predicament seems to bolster his own belief in demons and god.
It’s extremely unhelpful and triggering, and ive tried to explain that i can’t afford to believe in god, angels or demons right now or I’ll surely lose my mind. It’s frustrating. I’m starting to disbelieve my diagnosis and wonder if maybe he’s right.
Hes not a bad person and wants to help. I don’t want to lose this friend . But I’m wondering if it’d be better to just cut him off . What would you do? Am torn:(
Tell him if he doesn’t shut up about it you’ll have to stop seeing him.
You’re right. I’ve always felt like beliefs shouldn’t be forced on others.
You know I was in a similar situation before, I simply told him to stop because of my own mental health reasons. After he didn’t stop I cut him off. Look I don’t know your personal beliefs but in my opinion I had an exorcism done many times and I’m still Schizophrenic LOL. We had no choice on our genetics or the way our brains our it kind of just happens due to biology. But to answer your question just set some boundaries and see what happens from there! I personally think you are not possesed.
Sounds like he’s counter intuitive to your recovery, feeding delusions of yours and his own. Doesn’t respect your wishes for him to stop
did you tell him that some people believe faith is a mental disorder,
so what’s his excuse?
I usually stay away from those who don’t believe in science. In this way I avoid conflicts and trouble.
The more annoyed i got, the more he insisted it was the demons in me recoiling from gods word . Its impossible to argue with him.
He doesn’t believe in mental illness i suppose. Only lack of faith .
I think he might be more deluded than me sometimes
I know thats the logical thing to do. I’ve known him for years though and only now has he suddenly become religious . I’ll be sad to lose him as a friend. It was all good before this
I’d like to see proof that sz’ic can be healed thru faith
and don’t need meds, therapy, or pdoc.
Maybe if you keep him as a friend you can ask him that.
Part of me wants to tell him to f off and the other is curious and wants to head on over to church with him on the off chance I’ll be cured.
Idk if it’s good for my brain though to take it all seriously . Suggesting that I’m possessed would mean I’d done something awful right? Its making me wonder if I’m a bad person deep down
some people have suggested on here that our voices are demons or something linked to spiritual warfare
idk, maybe he’s trying to be helpful, some of your closest friends will tell you things you maybe don’t want to hear.
I had a friend, not very close, who told me that it’s a demon and I am possessed and with faith it will go away. I told him I respect his views but I don’t agree
Bro. I used to be a Sunday school teacher. I hold a degree in catholic philosophy and I used to live in a dorm for prospective nuns. And the whole time I still heard the screams of my loved ones being tortured by demons. Believe me, no matter how hard you pray, your symptoms won’t go away. If you believe in God, believe that God guided humans to develop medications and therapy as His tools to help us get better. If you don’t believe in God, no reason to start now.
I think believing might make me worse. It might make the demonic stuff much more intense, and I’m finally at the point where i can say no, it’s just in my head and not real, and not be scared or fixated on it.
I’m not sure:(
Believe me, my voices are so complex, an intricate system, that lately taught me satanology. The kinds of demons, the Archangels that fell etc. What can I do?
wow, @Ninjastar, I had no idea. I was raised Catholic and used to read from the lecturn, and I lead 3 relgious teen retreats, taught CCD for 3 years.
likely no going back, but when in patient, I do take communion.
Phil was raised Catholic too, and his sister is a nun.
Then I’d say stay away from religion. I had to leave religion behind because it kept making me worse and worse. I figure if there is a god, then they probably want me to stay healthy so I can keep doing good in the world, and therefore don’t care if I’m praying or going to church. I can share more with you if you like, but the rest of the stuff I have to say would break the rules of the public forum so if you want, you can PM me about it.
That is a very good way to look at it. Thank you:) I feel a bit better thinking about it like that .
My friend seemed to be saying that medications are demonic and i should stop taking them.