My voices ::: they seem very real ppl

right now
they seem very real ppl
they say do this , do that
write post on facebook about this thing on your life …or you will be tortured !!!
anyway i will write facebook post where is the problem ? :joy:
i think they give me good ideas about good posts on facebook :rofl:
do this do that ! they are very sharp really
yesterday …they said to me we will kill you if you didnt do this …something like spying !!!
i said no i prefer to die without doing thing …than to die after doing something !!!
THEN I had urinary retention …they i become normal !!! i know …
i know these ppl they are with me for roughly 13 years *365 day in every year
they seem to be real ppl really
thank you :rofl:


I know they seem real but they aren’t. Don’t listen to what they say.

You should call your Dr and let them know what your going through.


I agree with what @Turtle43 says. They seem real but I wouldn’t listen to them. It can get you in trouble. Try to remain sceptical about what they say and think for yourself.


Is it content that seems to not be you or the way they sound?

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they are different than my own thoughts
they seem like they are real ppl as i said to u

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i don’t act on the voices as a general rule. I feel like when im actively psychotic, i might make bad decisions and handing over decision-making to imaginary voices is a bad decision too. Sometimes they don’t feel imaginary and that’s when i remind myself “denial of illness” is very real, like my brain is tricked by the schizophrenia into believing that the voices are real, that the voices should be listened to and obeyed, and going down that road is a rabbithole i don’t want to go down again. I’m having thought projections for months now and I hate it. I can remember a time when i was free from mind reading sensations and i want to go back to that.
never had good experiences listening to voices in my 20’s. They’d threaten me then make a funny joke. i’d laugh in public or mumble to myself in public. get weird stares, get treated like a leper for being weird in public. it was not a good feeling. i prefer to control my symptoms and engage in reality instead of getting stuck in my hallucinations and delusions.

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Remember that they are part of you. You’ve probably dreamt and interacted with people in dreams, and they felt real.

This is not a unique capability of sleep. Your brain can produce hallucinations that seem like realistic other people.


I thought mine were real when I had them.


I experience the same thing except with much more symptoms of physical things. Especially feelings in the brain. I am going to medicine management this week and look forward to starting the meds. I will post what happens in the meantime cause they’ve threatened me

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