My voices are bad today

Any advice on how to deal w a flare up in positives?


It helps to point out that they are trying to gaslight me.


Sheesh I don’t hear them myself but I didn’t know voices could be that complex and sinister.

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Dude my voices are criminals. They have tortured me for 12 years.

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Do you have anything to take in emergencies like this? Like haldol or something?

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It wouldn’t do anything. Meds dont stop my voices unfortunately. Never have.

Its not an emergency its just not the best of days.


I was just wondering if people use specific tools when talking to the voices they hear. To protect themselves from demands commands and delusions

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The only thing I could do with severe nasty voices was to hum and count repeatedly 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4,. Distraction I guess.

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Yeah ive tried stuff in the past like that. Doesnt work very well.


I could never listen to music bc I could hear them coming from the radio or what not but some ppl say it helps.


I have heard that @Turtle44


Have you ever tried Clozapine?

I was on clozapine for 5 years. It was horrible, and never helped with my voices.

I am now on the chillest ap out there imo by sheer luck though. Abilify. They ran out of options. It has no side effects for me so i am very grateful🙏. I dont have much hope that i will ever treat the positives.

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Do you hear voices @everhopeful ?
If so what is the power dynamic?

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No I don’t hear voices. Even off meds. I’m still diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia though.

I wonder if the new meds coming out (karxt and Ulotaront) will help. They both have different mechanisms of action to current APs.

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Im wary of trying a new ap given potential for side effects and after being ravaged by clozapine i dont have it in me.

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Anyway I’m done complaining I was just hoping that some people in this forum might have tactics that they use to protect themselves from the voices that they hear when they are being attacked

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yes they come from the radio but it’s only annoying if it’s not become otherworldly yet. then it’s a death sentence. i suppose just browsing on here would be alright. bad last night. i just layed there being patient. night before that it seemed my med caused it. became all echoey. i have been shown a dream that was commeneted on twice this year. i don’t even remember my dreams normally. it’s like heres a visual of deep sleep an a comment on it. scares me. it’s human almost.

i tke a drive if i’m sober and get hollorred at the enitre way. it’s like heckeling now.

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:man_shrugging: 151515151515151515

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