Any advice on how to deal w a flare up in positives?
It helps to point out that they are trying to gaslight me.
Sheesh I don’t hear them myself but I didn’t know voices could be that complex and sinister.
Dude my voices are criminals. They have tortured me for 12 years.
Do you have anything to take in emergencies like this? Like haldol or something?
It wouldn’t do anything. Meds dont stop my voices unfortunately. Never have.
Its not an emergency its just not the best of days.
I was just wondering if people use specific tools when talking to the voices they hear. To protect themselves from demands commands and delusions
The only thing I could do with severe nasty voices was to hum and count repeatedly 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4,. Distraction I guess.
Yeah ive tried stuff in the past like that. Doesnt work very well.
I could never listen to music bc I could hear them coming from the radio or what not but some ppl say it helps.
I have heard that @Turtle44
Have you ever tried Clozapine?
I was on clozapine for 5 years. It was horrible, and never helped with my voices.
I am now on the chillest ap out there imo by sheer luck though. Abilify. They ran out of options. It has no side effects for me so i am very grateful🙏. I dont have much hope that i will ever treat the positives.
Do you hear voices @everhopeful ?
If so what is the power dynamic?
No I don’t hear voices. Even off meds. I’m still diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia though.
I wonder if the new meds coming out (karxt and Ulotaront) will help. They both have different mechanisms of action to current APs.
Im wary of trying a new ap given potential for side effects and after being ravaged by clozapine i dont have it in me.
Anyway I’m done complaining I was just hoping that some people in this forum might have tactics that they use to protect themselves from the voices that they hear when they are being attacked
yes they come from the radio but it’s only annoying if it’s not become otherworldly yet. then it’s a death sentence. i suppose just browsing on here would be alright. bad last night. i just layed there being patient. night before that it seemed my med caused it. became all echoey. i have been shown a dream that was commeneted on twice this year. i don’t even remember my dreams normally. it’s like heres a visual of deep sleep an a comment on it. scares me. it’s human almost.
i tke a drive if i’m sober and get hollorred at the enitre way. it’s like heckeling now.
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