My view on psycho logy my be changing

I caved and let the mental health team match me up with a psychologist

The first meeting was virtual but it sounded like it might actually help

Psychology left me in a worse place last time

Hopeful this time might be different

It’s a big step to give this person the benefit of the doubt

Usually no one gets that concession

But I do trust my case worker who thought it might help to try again


Best of luck @Joker


i hope it works out for you @Joker i had similar experience. Psychology for my sz was useless, but when it came to helping me with the traumatic birth i had, i found it very useful.

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Good luck with it @Joker!

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Thanks :blush: it’s a big deal for me to trust someone from that field again


Me too not visited a psychologist for many years. I feel only for recovery we need to go. My last psychologist gave me a stunner say I need to either end my self or be average or be successful.

My entire focus went on the first. Then decided no more and I invested self in psychology learning courses.

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