Finding a new therapist

Good morning all :smile:

So, as some of you know, Iā€™m currently doing CBT. Itā€™s a wonderful psychotherapy, really helpful for us with severe mental illness, really helps to get out of the learned helplessness vicious cycle, good to learn positivity and optimism, good to change certain behaviors that are inadequate or plainly prejuditial to our wellbeing. I highly recommend CBT, to at least try it out.

I was really happy with my therapist for a time there, but we hit a stall moment, and Iā€™m in the rather uncomfortable position on calling him out on some behaviors I felt as innapropriate for a therapist. Also, I feel Iā€™ve already done what I needed there, and need to take care of other issues that I think heā€™s not equipped to deal with, like trauma for example, he made some weird remarks that made me believe he is a bit in over his head.

Itā€™s very difficult to find a therapist that can deal with a bunch of disorders at the same time from just one person. So, in my mental hospital (where I go for my pdocā€™s appointments), they have free therapists too, itā€™s a bit hit and miss, but one can always change therapists if one doesnā€™t click with, and theyā€™re used to having people with severe mental illness and several disorders at once. So, monday Iā€™m going to ask my pdoc for a referral. Wish me luck :slight_smile:

I realized the importance of therapy, and CBT was really helpful, canā€™t stress that enough. The amount of crap I had before compared to the crap I have now, well, letā€™s just say itā€™s not comparable. Like @shutterbug said on his topic, itā€™s the attitude. I wanted to change, so I did.

I will not go into details of what my therapist did or didnā€™t do, but letā€™s just say there are for sure better ones around.

Have a good one folks, thanks for reading.


Was he doing this? There have been scandalsā€¦just saying.

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Just realize that it may take a few (hundred?!?) tries before you find one thatā€™s a good fit.

We may wind up having to wait until cloning tech improves to the point where we can reproduce @mortimermouse


Ignore me i donā€™t mean to make a joke out of your problems, i had to do it

Good luck with finding a new therapist, and im truly sorry if it was disappointing to you, his behavior i mean.

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Oh no, it was funny :smile: I wish he would do that though, it would make the appointments a lot funnier :smile:

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Wishing you the best with your journey :grinning:Iā€™ve been missing therapy for about a month and a half while finding a new doc but I talked to my new doc today and he says Monday will be a plan for therapy again. Yay ā€¦

Thanks for sharing


Good luck with your therapist shopping. I really like my therapist. I have gotten better since seeing him. He is compassionate and somehow, magically (not really), I come to my own conclusions about how to handle things better.

Good therapy is worth itā€™s weight in gold

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Thank you and good luck to you too @HuckFinn :slight_smile:

@47average Yeah, thatā€™s good :slight_smile: I thought I had the same with this therapist, but I realized it was like 5 sessions of him only validating my new approaches and coping mechanisms. Heā€™s really into mindfulness and told me to go to a zen meeting, Iā€™m not really into that anymore, I think it was sort of over when he said that.

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Itā€™s good you figured out and are moving on and not just sticking it out because of obligation

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what kind of CBT? its it change your thoughts?

In a way, it helped me become more positive, less self destructive, more confident.

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I hope you have some luck finding a good therapist. I like my therapist now even if she does talk a lot.


Good luck!..

Iā€™m going to The Royal Mental Hospital next week for an overhaul. To hopefully at last find out what truly makes me tick. I believe Iā€™m more on the bipolar spectrum, but weā€™ll see.


how many times do you need to take before you decide that the therapist can help you?

Good luck Patrick :slight_smile:


It depends. A good CBT therapy lasts for 10 to 20 sessions.

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thx for help Minnii :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m calling my therapist tomorrow and dropping her quickly.
She is siding with my bullying family members and treating me like a ā€œretardedā€ person ever since I got out of the psych Hospital.

Extremely disappointing.

I need to take a break from therapy at this point.
I will see a new therapist when I move into the group home/apartment.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that about your therapist @Wave. I hope things get better for you after you move.
@cbbrown, my tdoc talks a ton too, lol. I like him but sometimes itā€™s like I am the tdoc and he is the patient. Sometimes I have to be assertive to kind of jump in there. Itā€™s funny.

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Good luck @Patrick. Let as know how it goes!

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