He phoned my house and was asking me when she arrived, what time she left etc. So I gave him a piece of my mind. Then he threw the “you’re crazy, you’re schizophrenic” in my face. I said at least I do something about mine.
Maybe I missed a previous part of yours that mentioned what’s going on, so maybe I don’t know the situation. But he sounds like a huge jerk. Who says something like that??
I’m sorry he was so awful to you; you don’t deserve that.
He’s generally controlling. My aunt comes here to stay (it’s her sisters place) sometimes, and he doesn’t like it.
Man. What that sucks. So glad you support her and hopefully your family does.
And awesome you stood up to him.
Interesting all he got was to use your diagnoses as a comeback.
Ugh, I hate when people use the SZ card like that. Good on you for sticking up for yourself, and supporting your Aunt.
Good on you, sticking up for your aunt.
Sounds like he’s the crazy one.
I’m glad you stood up for her. If he’s like that in front of others, imagine what he’s like in private
That’s a very good point @LilyoftheValley. Glad you stuck up for yourself and your aunt @anon25873142 .
You did exactly right. That guy sounds like bad news.
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