Its Called Happiness The Mindful Way A Practical Guide, by Ken A. Verni, Psy.D. Interesting.
Mindfulness is a good practice to learn for eliminating worry and mild anxiety.
Hmm. . .
Books Are Strange Creatures, Sometimes Worthwhile, Sometimes Useless, Hopefully It’s Good.
Really cool, yea ill start reading it soon. Hope it has some good techniques to help my anxiety and worrys.
yea me too hope its good too.
Hmm?. . .
Yea Sometimes All We Can Do Is Hope, Within Love And Peace.
yea i agree too, your right.
Hmm?. . .
Yea Hopefully.
mindfulness didn’t work for me… i tried and got like tracks to listen to that were specially made for people with autism but it made me worse really.
I hope it works for you =)
really that sucks 151515
In a nutshell mindfulness teaches you to live in the moment. So don’t worry about the future or the past, just learn to concentrate on the here and now, to block out everything else.
So for example, don’t worry about a test you have in school that is making you anxious, or a job review from management at work. Just concentrate on the fact that you’re in your room, listening to music, looking out the window, breathing regularly, just concentrating on the here and now.
Over time it helps alleviate mild to moderate generalized anxiety and worry which lowers overall stress. However, if you are having a hardcore panic attack you’ll probably need a benzo. BUT, if you get good at being mindful your panic attacks will probably not occur all that often anymore.
okay i see thanks.
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