My social ill friend doesnt understand why i dont go out

yeah… she says she doesn’t know anybody else who is like this…
it pisses me a bit in fact. I dont need this right now but whatever…

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I don’t go out either. Not particularly bothered about it.

Sure, because they are at home. :slight_smile:


I just have the impression that she doesn’t understand me. I even learn to talk now. Ive noticed some improvement on my talk now though…:slight_smile:

Can you two go out together sometime?
Maybe you will feel less paranoid when having company.

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no, it doesn’t work like this in my case. I can get pissed off fast which makes me paranoid. you should be a bit dumb to not know that there are schizophrenics who prefer to be alone isn’t it? she has the same illness but she doesn’t even know what are the negatives. ok, I am hard now but I dont need to be judged right now… I dont go out cause I have my reasons… its not her who feels her brain in her head…

otherwise I really start to feel my meds. its a heavy thing. I know I am bad now, dont judge me. but going out with friends doesn’t help me since years now… But I feel judged when she talks like this…

On this forum I don’t think anybody judges you. We are just trying to help…

I have an elderly friend in her late 70’s, who has cancer, Alzheimer’s, emphysema and either sza or bipolar, I’m not sure which. Anyway, she always wants to go out and do things and I never do. I’m always happy to sit in my apartment and do my own thing at home alone. She always wants to be out and about with people. And she just doesn’t understand me at all. She’s miserable by herself. I tell her to learn to love her own company. She gets angry at this suggestion.

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yeah, I must be hard too… I asked my friend to leave me alone after seeing her for 2 hours. my mom says that I act bad on this :/… in the afternoon I was really paranoid now, I took a half of klonopin…
In the past I was angry to my lonely life but now I live it better. my mom says that I still lie to myself that I am good on my own but I really suffer less now like this. not sure if its for good or for worse… but those 10 mg of Zyprexa put me in strange states now…

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I wish I could get a benzo like I had in the past. Definetly helps in alot of scenarios .

you cant anymore because of the addiction, @Gonehuntin? I am taking klonopin since 5 years once every 3 days but maybe even this is a lot… My doc recently changed it to Ativan but I still have some klonopin left so I take it still…

New pdoc. He only knows about my anxiety and only wants me on ssris. I’m guessing he didn’t look at my history and seen i have schitz.

The only time I seen him I didn’t get into it because he seemed rushed.