My sister has been reading up on it and has been feeling like the description of characteristics sounds like her. She feels she is significantly autistic, although high functioning. She also feels very tired of compensating for it and thinks the world should be more accommodating to people on the spectrum in general.
She thinks I’m autistic too, and that my daughter is.
It does tend to run in families
I think im on it too. But ive already got a bunch of diagnoses so i think its pointless to ask about it.
What do you think @Leaf ? I’m interested in your thoughts on the subject. Have you read up on it?
No. I know very little on the subject actually. I’m learning through my sister some things. I am a little upset with my sister’s assertion that I am autistic rather than sza and that I’m taking meds for no reason.
I’d feel the same way. She’s not an expert.
It might help to know that the meds used to treat autism are the same as the meds used to treat psychosis. Antipsychotics and mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Something to regulate sleep. It is all about minimizing disruptive symptoms and maximizing quality of life.
Childhood schizophrenia and autism also used to be the same diagnosis, if I remember correctly. The observable symptoms are quite similar. They are both neurological disorders more than psychological. They have many genetic markers in common. It is possible to have both.
That’s very interesting. I’m going to loo for research on that.
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