Took an online test for autism

And it said I was autistic due to sza. Now, I don’t know what to think.

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I think a lot of people here think they may have autism instead… What are the correlations?

There’s a very good chance that you don’t have autism @SkinnyMe

SZ disorders share similar traits with autism.


I just typed in similarities

It says that autism and schizophrenia have overlapping traits, including sensory processing problems and social difficulties, and they share gene expression patterns in brain tissue


Yea, I too thought I was autistic for a long time post-psychosis.

Don’t think I am anymore though— just have similar (but different) difficulties due to the SZA.

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What’s the link for the test?

I tested positive on some online thing years ago and thought nothing of it

Then the stupid psychologist recommended me for a proper assessment

Worst decision of my life

Might have been a useful diagnosis when your a 2 year old, as there would be interventions made

But nope, as an adult, you’re left to just get on with it by yourself

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There is a comparison table, idk if it´s good. I think I am mostly sz.

Online tests are just a way to screen yourself they are not diagnostic tools. The overlap is vast. If youre curious, get an assessment. I got assessed and diagnosed based on history.

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Thanks everyone. 15151515

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