Unless he cheats on her (adultery). He won’t work and when he does a side job he uses the $ to buy drugs
My sister gets disability $ (she has Larsens). They live off that. I’m hoping he’ll cheat on her
Unless he cheats on her (adultery). He won’t work and when he does a side job he uses the $ to buy drugs
My sister gets disability $ (she has Larsens). They live off that. I’m hoping he’ll cheat on her
These are always sad situations?
Sorry to hear that @Loke. From what you’ve posted, your sister really struggles with the Larsens. It’s too bad she married somebody like that.
She’s been with the dude for 20 years. She said the last time he physically abused her was 2 years ago. She said that “Marriage is sacred” and she won’t divorce unless he cheats on her.
Do they have children?
I’m sorry @Loke, are you close to your sister?
I’m semi close to her. She lives about a 2 hour drive from me. She comes to town sometimes without her husband. When she does he constantly calls her to make sure she’s not “cheating”. Good gracious the woman is disabled and can barely walk. She has a girl she’s been friends with since the 8th grade. He won’t even let her visit her friend.
No they don’t have children. She has a daughter from a previous relationship. That guy abused her too.
Wow controlling and abusive. I am sure it’s hard on you not being able to do anything about it. Hopefully she will get enough of it at some point and get out while she still can.
She won’t leave unless he commits adultery. I told her he probably has already.
Yeah i wouldn’t doubt it. Sounds like a typical scumbag. I have zero respect for guys that abuse women and children.
Thanks for all the caring remarks.
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