My sex partner is moving away

He just told me today that he’s moving to a city 157 miles away June 1st. We have been seeing each other since January. He just came by for sex this afternoon, and we did what he wanted to do, though I really wasn’t into it much. The previous time he took care of me, so fair is fair. So anyway the sex is coming to a close soon. I refilled my Viagra tonight for the last time.

I guess I’m never going to know what he sees in me. I don’t get his constantly coming by for sex. I’m going to be 62, am obese, and have to use Viagra. I just don’t know.


You must feel used. I would. I wouldn’t like that at all

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I’m sorry. I know how much you like him.

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley @Ninjastar. Well, I won’t have to think about him in regards to my moving out of the apartment building when I start drawing my pension when I turn 65, and I’ll be over the income limit for the building. I just hope I can get into the Senior 62+ building. I’ll be 62 May 26th. I’m going to wait a year before I go to save up some money to move with. I’m going to save the $1,400 stimulus check for this purpose.


That’s smart to save up. Good luck with everything


I’m sorry you’re losing your lover @anon54988740. Maybe you can conduct a long distance affair? Or you can find someone else?

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No I don’t think so. We may keep in touch by phone.

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