So, I just want to share my story so that it may benefit others
I was a medical student and in year two of my studies things changed for me. I was oversleeping and not attending clinics or placements. I started experiencing some form of thoought disorder. I thought I was fighting an evil spirit. I also visualised myself attacking people pschically - like a psychic attack and I believe I was influencing my environment. At one point I thought I was causing bad events and bad luck to occur in my vicinity.
Things just got worse - I totally lost control of my mind. Relationship with family broke down - I thought my parents were harming me on the psychic plane. I was abusive to my parents and one day I was so angry, I trashed the entire bathroom. My dad called the Police, and I was cautioned. On another occasion, I assualted my brother and spent two nights in custody before being released on bail
My entire life felt like I was battling a negative entity or demon. I repeated odd acts and phrases. Used to walk around the block a certain number of times, and repeat certain facts from memory, all because I thought it would protect me from the negativity
Was hospitalised on three occasions, and two of these I didn’t comply with medication so things just got worse. On the third occasion, I finally had a realisation that I was suffering from a mental illness, and that’s what led me to stopping my medical career. I complied with the medication and I regained control of my mind.
My positive symptoms have been in remission for three years now, and I have very little negative symptoms.
If you talked to me today, you would never know what I went through - you would think I have no mental health issues
I take Olanzapine 20mg daily, and I feel great. I’m going back to university in September to study International Relations. I suffered with negatives for some time, but they have disappeared and I feel like I’m getting my life back on track
I spend my days reading in preparation for my course and in prayer
This is for anyone suffering with negatives - it does get better - time heals everything