Hi all
So I thought I’d share my experiences since I haven’t posted a lot
Was studying in medical school 2012, became psychotic, lost all control of thoughts, was acting on delusional thinking patterns, fell out with parents and friends. Life was really bad but I kept denying I had any problem - you know lack of insight is a feature of Sz/Psychosis
Was suspended from medical school for laughing inappropiately when discussing serious medical issues. Returned home, was sectioned in the UK and sent to a mental health ward. Injected with Risperidone against my will and still in denial
On/Off meds for a few years, always relapsed into psychosis again
In 2017 I finally complied with meds - found the magic bullet - Olanzapine 20mg sorted my issues
Recently been taking meds everyday - Olanzapine 20mg and Sertraline 50mg to help with depression. Had serious issues with negative symptoms - lack of joy, low motivation, low mood, just terrible!
Here comes the good part:
So, recently I setup my own business doing digital marketing and I hired somebody abroad to work for me - we have an outsourcing agreement. I’ve been keeping very busy and my negatives seem to have disappeared. I’m fully of energy, motivation and enthusiasm for life!
I have not felt this good in years. I finally feel like my life is turning around for the better.
I hope this post gives hope to those struggling with negatives - it does get better you just need to give it time and find something in your life that is meaningful to you.