My poor daughter

She’s 22 and has severe PTSD. She’s not working, not going to school, and has no friends

The biggest issue is that she refuses treatment. She’s been trying to treat herself by doing online EMR sessions. It’s not helping at all, and she’s not doing it regularly.

I don’t know how to help her. I’ve tried everything. I’m so sad. We hung out today but she has nothing going on in her life to talk about. :frowning:


I’m so sorry…she needs treatment ! I wish you could talk her into it.

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Me too. Based on why she’s got ptsd I think inpatient would be too traumatic for her. The hospitals where I live force you to get naked as soon as you arrive so they can chart any bruises, scars, tattoos, etc. you are not allowed a cellphone and cannot go outside. You’re locked in the unit. Even for ptsd and even for rehab. It’s terrible

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well ■■■■ that’s awful…sorry about this…sending you good vibes.

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Maybe try to sit with her more often like today.
She has to try to live differently…

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If she would agree to take natural anti-stressors, you could try valerian root, passion flower or chamomile to mention some. It won’t fix it, but could ease the symptoms.

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That’s crazy. The hospital I went to did not require me to get naked. My cell phone was taken and I couldn’t leave the unit though.


Anyway, I’m sorry your daughter is struggling. I hope she gets better somehow.

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I hang with my daughter a few times a week @anon25523312 . It doesn’t help

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Thanks @HollyHobby

I believe you :neutral_face:

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EMDR helped me a lot with trauma. I did the eye movement therapy thing and I have never even thought about the experience again. Instead of just talk talk talking about it it was like replacing a negative memory with a positive one…however I re-experienced the same trauma so I dont know that i would say the trauma ever resolved itself I just forgot about it. Maybe i should do the same thing about how I was treated in the wards–just forget about it–because nothing else is going to change the past and I’ll never be able to live without trying to reprogram myself from the pre-diagnosis trauma.

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Bless her heart. It sounds like she’s had a tough life.

Just keep being her friend, and being there for her.

You all take care.


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