My Peer sucks

Today, my peer read me an article about why I should quit smoking. Umm, I don’t smoke! Then she read me an article about how to clean if you have cockroaches. Umm, I don’t have cockroaches and I live in a very clean home. Then she read me an article about what I should and shouldn’t eat. Umm, I just lost 100 pounds (45 kg) in 13 months and I’ve kept it off for several months now. It was so bizarre! And she kept reading after I let her know it didn’t apply to me.

So far, I haven’t had one beneficial appointment with her. So crazy!


What do you mean by peer?
Is she a therapist?

Then pull out of the program. If it isn’t helping you, no need to waste your time and theirs.


A peer is someone who has recovered from mental illness to where they’re able to work and function. They get paid to meet with you once a month. They talk to you to relate to your problems and offer encouragement and advice.


One of my peers actually suggested that I apply as a peer counselor because I was “high functioning”. Ha! Put me in charge of other people’s mental health and we’ll see how high functioning I am :unamused:.

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I’m sorry that you went through this @LilyoftheValley
Can you find someone else?

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That’s funny, and a bit strange… maybe she’s not as recovered as she should be !


That’s weird and kind of a bummer. I had a really good experience with my peer supporter, so I’m sorry that you’re not!

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This sounds like a cool program, except of course that yours seems clueless about you.


I tried the other peer in the program I’m in but she had very different issues than me so we weren’t able to bond really. But given how things are going , I may go back to her

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You know, that’s an excellent point lol!


@agent101g, it is a good program. Just trying to get a peer I relate to

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That’s great @anon2818416 :slight_smile: I’m glad yours helped you!

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That’s honestly really unfortunate. I work as a peer myself and I like to think I’m helpful to the people I meet with.

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I’m glad you are a peer, because if you care about helping people, I’m assuming you do very well at it

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I work with ages 16-25. I’ve helped a few people find jobs and even helped one person apply to college and they were accepted. I’ve also helped some people study for their learners permit. I love my job so much honestly so I’d be heartbroken to find out I haven’t been beneficial


Wow! I’m really impressed @RottenApple! You are a great peer! Your consumers are very lucky to have you

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I had two peers and it turned out I was higher functioning than both of them.
NAMI calls them peer-pals.


Where I go they’re called Peer Support Specialists. Most people love their peers from what I’ve heard. I’m just getting bad luck.

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I know someone who is a NAMI peer leader for their groups, and it that’s what is considered recovered enough to help guide others, I don’t want any part of it.