I’m fully resigned now to the fact that the shared world believes I’m ill. It makes no difference to me. Seemingly, my ego death experience, in which my sense of self simply dissolved away for several minutes, might have been a catatonic episode. In a nutshell, some extremely serious people believe that I am barkers
Oh well, it is not the end of the world!
Has the pdoc medicated you for his diagnosis? If you can live as an ‘eccentric’ without meds it is probably the best case scenario imho.
If you can function and live normally without meds without your bizarre beliefs impinging on your life then good luck to you. I say bizarre because beliefs in angels and demons err on the side of eccentricity in normal society.
Personally I think that believing in the supernatural and or religion is a massive complication when it comes to living with sz, but each to their own. This is certainly the case for a pdoc who relies on the scientific basis for reality.
Welcome to the club of sz anyway. Try not to let it overtake your life.
Thanks mate…
So you believe that you’re schizophrenic now?
I believe other people believe, and for good reason. My psychiatrist was a bit struck by how split I’ve become between my rational, social self, and my private, ‘psychotic’ self. She also indicated I might get invited to participate in a study run from a phenomenological perspective. To be honest I’m not that surprised because my case fits like a tee the self-disturbance model.
Do you also believe and not believe something at the same time?
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