My new job is hard

it was tough i need to learn how to make pizza fast. otherwise i am defeated


Making pizzas is a bad job. You should seek a white collar job.

You’re not gonna be defeated. You will succeed. You just need practice to get there.


I don’t think any job is a bad job if it needs done, Viper may enjoy making pizzas more than a white collar job.

My respect goes out to those that make pizza and others in the food industry, everyone has to eat and you guys don’t get enough thanks.


@anon48059102 I bet there are videos online of how to make pizza faster


Isnt that snobby?

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I have one month to learn. I hope to make it somehow.


You will learn if you put in a good effort and don’t give up

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I walked off my last job because I was having some hardcore hallucinations. I went to my car on my break and saw blood smeared on the fender and thought to myself “F - this I’m out of here.”

Anyways I’m job hunting right now and hating every second of it. I need to be around people again though.

Congrats on your job, you made it out of the

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Not everybody can work a white collar job. It’s a good goal but like @anon12381882 said that’s kind of a snobbish attitude. I was raised with the values that honest labor jobs are respectable and not something to be looked down upon. Lots of people support their families with digging ditches, making pizza or unloading trucks. And you got a lot of nerve insulting someone’s job. Lets see you do better.


You’ll be okay Viper. :slight_smile:

Just try hard to concentrate on doing a good job, concentrate on your duties, and be respectful to your boss and fellow employees.


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