My new favorite supplement (NAC)

I just took N Acetyl Cysteine. I’ve drug overdosed. I also hit my head really hard as a child. I quit taking my meds and felt like my brain was damaged.

I’m a little lost because I don’t feel like I’m being controlled.

It has helped my reading comprehension.

My sentences are a little more fluid.

Good stuff. Thanks schizophreniadotcom.

I guess when you first take a supplement your homeostasis has to adapt. This feels a little different though.

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Didn’t do so good for me…Gave me really bad acid reflux. Apparently it’s good with Sarcosine.

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I’m actually thinking about throwing all my other vitamins and supplements away and just keeping the NAC. It pretty much solves my issue.

What does it actually do? What’s it benefit? The prefrontal cortex?

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I don’t feel like I’m being controlled. My theory is that I have brain damage and I was having a religious experience. The NAC basically closed the door to the other power(not sure what to call it).


I like NAC too, but the feeling is much less specific. Generally just feel better and more “clear.”

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The combination of nac and sarcosine allows me to focus on and follow movies now.


I’ve thrown out supplements before and have regretted it. Now I just keep any supplements I buy even if I’m not using them. Sometimes I’ll go back and try one then find it’s actually helpful. Sometimes a combination of supplements helps more than just one.

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I just took the suggested dose by Schizophreniadotcom and it upset my stomach. It did work though. The dose on the bottle seems not to upset my stomach though.

Yeah, nausea is a side effect at higher doses.

I take a lower dose as well.

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I liked NAC too. My favorite supplement is aniracetam.

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