I just took N Acetyl Cysteine. I’ve drug overdosed. I also hit my head really hard as a child. I quit taking my meds and felt like my brain was damaged.
I’m a little lost because I don’t feel like I’m being controlled.
It has helped my reading comprehension.
My sentences are a little more fluid.
Good stuff. Thanks schizophreniadotcom.
I guess when you first take a supplement your homeostasis has to adapt. This feels a little different though.
I don’t feel like I’m being controlled. My theory is that I have brain damage and I was having a religious experience. The NAC basically closed the door to the other power(not sure what to call it).
I’ve thrown out supplements before and have regretted it. Now I just keep any supplements I buy even if I’m not using them. Sometimes I’ll go back and try one then find it’s actually helpful. Sometimes a combination of supplements helps more than just one.
I just took the suggested dose by Schizophreniadotcom and it upset my stomach. It did work though. The dose on the bottle seems not to upset my stomach though.