My mother died today

My mother died today, i found her in her house 2 days ago after she didnt pick up her phone for 3 days. She said she laid on the floor for 3 days unable to move.
I thought she was drunk because she abused alcohol.
It was horrible. But when she got checked in the hospital they said she was doing ok even though she had very high levels of inflammation in her blood. So i went to visit her. The moment i walked towards her room she had a heart attack. They got her heart pumping again but suffered organ failure and brain damage. So there was nothing that could be done anymore.

I didnt know if i should have posted this but i think i need support because yesterday my mind was racing.


This is horrible news. I pray for you, your mom and your family. :heart::heart::heart:


Thank you so much

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Very sorry for your loss. :frowning:

I’m so sorry @Spacemonk . You did everything you could.

I’m so sorry for your loss @Spacemonk

I’m really sorry for your loss @Spacemonk :disappointed_relieved:

It’s over now. We all have to go through that at some point. Sorry for your loss.

That’s terrible news. Condolences. Best wishes to you and yours.

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That is terrbly sad. I feel for you.

Grief is going to be a rough time for you in the next few weeks. I think there are professionals that deal with this stuff if you need it.

I wish you strength and the ablity to let it out if needs be.

Sorry for your loss.

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Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry to hear about this tragedy… God bless you and your family in this hard time. :pray: So sorry to hear this :cry:


do you think you will be ok finding your mother like that? trauma is what I’m worried about…be easy on yourself…sorry you lost your mom…

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So sorry for your loss.

Sorry for your loss @Spacemonk

Thank you everyone for the kind words, i am going to reach out for help after everything has settled


I am so sorry. How awful!

Truly sorry for your loss, @Spacemonk :purple_heart:

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I’m sorry @Spacemonk

Sorry for your loss.:pray:t4: