My mother died in 1990. Sometimes I’ll be doing something and I’ll have a thought “I can’t believe my mother is dead.” Then I’ll be in shock for a minute. It’s just crazy. Mommy died so long ago.
sorry about your mother @Loke =(
i don’t know what i would do if my mum and dad were not here anymore…
Oh thank you . Parents are definitely important. I’m glad you still have yours. My dad is really good to me.
I am so sorry you lost your mom. I have become very close to my mom in recent years. I am not ready to lose her. I can’t even imagine your pain
i’m glad to hear your dad is nice to you =)
death doesnt feel real sometimes. when i remember that they are gone and i wont see them again in my lifetime its kind of a shock and leaves a feeling of emptiness
Aw thank you . I hope you continued blessings with your mother. I’m ok though.
It’s not so painful anymore than it is like I’ll just be in shock for a minute. My mother died with a smile on her face. She’s ok .
Wow. With a smile? That’s amazing
Yeah. I get it. My uncle died September 23rd of pneumonia. It’s kinda weird to think of him gone. He was my aunt’s husband but he’s been around my whole life.
Yeah. With a smile. I wasn’t there. I was home at my dad’s house.
that’s really nice =O
I’m sorry about your mom, @Loke. (hugs)
My husband’s dad died 11 and a half years ago, and it’s still really hard for Hubby. His dad was there, everything was great, and then he’s suddenly gone. It was a random freak accident… he fell off the roof.
But what I’m trying to say is, I don’t think people ever really get over losing a loved one. But it can get easier to accept it, the more time that passes.
I hope you’re doing OK. Hang in there.
My mother died in 2013. It feels like it was yesterday. It still hurts so bad. I miss her everyday. If I could have just one thing it would be to have my Mother back. When she died I wasn’t able to get a hold of her on the phone, which had happened many times due to problems with her phone line. But every time I braced myself that it could be the time that something was wrong with her. Nothing could have prepared me for finding her the way I did. I was awful and the image is burned into my memory forever. I try to focus on the good times and that makes me miss her even more.
Sorry to hear that @Loke
Wow so sorry about your father in law. Sending you and your husband peaceful vibes
Thanks . I know that most folks on the forum know already about my mom. I’m not in a lot of pain now over it just sometimes it still shocks my brain. My mom was a nice very friendly lady.
I know it’s very hard. Hang in there.
Thank you. You hang in there, too.
Keep hanging on my Lady!
Ive been caught up in my own diatribe lately - to respond to posts. But ill send you one of my personal Angels lol. x
My mom died 11 years ago this month, so I can really relate