Prayers for my mum

My mum died on Wednesday morning 26 June . She died of cancer of the bile duct. She had terrible four years before she died. She became frail. She fell a lot and one day fell down the stairs and broke back. She had to go hospital where she was delirious. She was sent to a home where she fell and broke her hip she had major hip surgery and recovered she got by only on a frame. She was lonely in the home and longed to do the things she used to do. She wanted to go to Ireland to visit her sister she was diagnosed with dementia. Then a nurse visited the home and thought she was yellow. She went a&e. She had tests and they found the cancer. She went back to the home and after a week she was gone.


I’m so sorry @shellys12 .

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bless her, take care

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So sorry for your loss

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I’m so sorry @shellys12

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Very sorry for your loss @shellys12 :purple_heart:

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@shellys12 sorry for your loss…

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It sounds like it has been difficult for awhile. I am sorry for your loss and the pain leading up to it.

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Sorry for your loss

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Im sorry, this is very sad. Pray you are hanging in there and prayers for your mum :heart:

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I’m so sorry @shellys12
God bless

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Sorry for your loss Shelly.

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that is horrible…I’m so sorry to hear this…I too have had to lose family members that came to a horrible end…God bless her and you and yours. I feel sad for you.


So sorry for your loss. Your mum is at peace now.


Very sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace

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I’m sorry for your loss.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry. How awful.

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Sorry I’ll keep you in my prayers.

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Im sorry for your loss. I prayed for you.