My mom told me I’m living in a delusion

That’s so very true. Everytime I have delusions I feel like I need someone to agree with me even though that’s not the right way to do it. They tell me I’m having delusions and it makes me feel better at the time but kiks right back in once there done telling me

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Be stubborn against your voices. Don’t believe them ever. When it gets heavy just don’t believe them.

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Do you hear people around you talking about you or are the voices just in your head?

I hear them but I’m learning to tune them out. They sound like the lady downstairs but I don’t give her her way. I ignore as much as possible and take very little interest in her voice because I know it is not her.

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I just heard my cousin laugh out loud at me and he is in the other room. I think he is watching me on his phone.

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Do you have a camera in your room?

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No I don’t. That’s why I think I have a camera or microphone injected in my body.

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If you do lip reading I can at least tell it’s not real. Sometimes people say stuff without mouth moving

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i use to REALLY struggle with what you got going on. People out to kill me for sure, i still believe it to a degree.

What i had to learn was how i could either
live in a prison of fear
go a do something that you always wanted to do but never felt like you could.

Nothing huge, just small victories over your fears. Start small.

I volunteer at an animal shelter. Being around dogs and cats is incredibly grounding.
Theres few moments more comforting than a dog licking your face, honestly.

I go walk in parks. I put myself out in the open. I FEEL the fear, and let it PASS. Youll realize that these are just people out here to walk like yourself. Wear sunglasses. Observe nature.

I have found when it come to over coming paranoia, fears of persecution, and that general everyone wants to kill me vibe is best mediated with a grounding technique.

Grounding yourself in the reality of your freedom from your persecution bc really its your brain persecuting you.


It must be an xray camera then only seeing you insides, oh please…

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It takes time to get rid of irrational thoughts. I’d wear earphones or plugs when you are having rough time

You do not have a camera injected in your body. He is not watching you on camera. If he is actually laughing it’s at something else! If he wanted to watch you he would just go in the room you’re in. Remember people have their own lives to live!

No need to fear you have a family that loves you

We don’t have any technology that works like that. Even if you could inject a camera, it’d just see your insides. Cameras that are swallowed for digestive tract inspection can’t see outside and besides, they’re big! You’d have a big lump. And a hole, and anyway it coudnt see you. That’s like trying to film your house’s outside while s tanding in the shower.

I don’t believe I have a camera I believe I have a microphone injected in my ear that can hear my thoughts.

You can’t hear thoughts. Nothing can. They’re not even sound, they’re tiny electrical impulses so nothing can “hear”

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I see my doctor tomorrow hopefully I get a medicine that actually works. I’m tired of living like this.

Good luck to you I hope u get the meidisine you need0

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Please give medication a through try. It took me 2 years to get on a good balance, it might take you longer. I got lucky with few positive symptoms to terrorize me, just a lack of energy I can’t get past.

I hope you the best in your recovery.

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What are the positive symptoms you are having problems with?