My good deed for the day

I was waiting in McDonalds while my car was worked on and I got tired of sitting so I got up to leave. When I walked out the door I heard someone call out “ Sir, sir.” I looked around and it was an older lady in a car. I looked in to see what she wanted and she pointed to her passenger and said,”Can you help her?”

It was another old lady and they wanted me to help her get out of the car. So I did and then I let her lean on me and walked her into a booth in McDonalds. Some nice kid held the door open for us. I made sure the lady sat down and on the way out her friend thanked me. I was glad I could help the poor lady. I’m older too and I know what it’s like to not be able to get around good. It must be tough for her and I’m glad she’s having a nice meal out at McdDonalds. But I wonder how she’s going to make it back to the car.

I’m glad I could help, I haven’t helped someone in a long time. I haven’t even given a homeless person any money in awhile.


Sorry I won’t bother you again…

Very well done!
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Very kind of you @77nick77!

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