My goal is to play Hearthstone become expert and win money for meds

I found this game with tournaments Hearthstone …

My goal is to play Hearthstone become expert and win money for meds

Good luck mate.

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I love HS. Best game…!!!

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Why win money for meds? Just apply for disability, because you have one (a mental one; schizophrenia counts as a mental disability) and then apply for Medicare, which will cover all of your prescription drug costs.

Just trying to save you a leg here. There’s no reason why schizophrenics should have to pay for prescription drugs. The tax of having SZ in the first place involves so much pain, suffering, and energy/effort that if you genuinely needed medical assistance, it should be covered. SZ is the worst possible mental disorder currently known, rivaled only by Alzheimer’s & dementia.

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