My poor bella! She had elevated acute kidney levels in her blood. She hadnt been eating right. Then ahe gotnfixed and she stopped eating all together. We cooked her some food and she eats that. She is laying in my lap now and when she doesnt she is crying. It could be from eating a raisin. Hopefully it goes away. But it could also be a kidney disease. Her urineanalysis was good. She goes back to get blood drawn on friday. Hopefully we can find out more.
Oh no! I’m so sorry. That’s awful. I hope everything turns out ok.
O no! Hopefully her kidneys are alright.
Thanks @LilyoftheValley hows your babies
I’m so sorry.
Wishing your pet the best.
Also how is the pain?
Sorry about Bella. I hope she recovers soon!
My baby is feeling better. He had an upset stomach a few days ago but he’s fine now.
Do you mean my bladder pain? It’s still a 5, but decreased a lot from the 8 out of 10 it was before. I have to wait for the next surgery because he burned the whole lining of my bladder. It needs to heal first. I’m scheduled for end of January.
Aw, poor Bella. I hope she can feel better soon.
My childhood cat was diagnosed with kidney failure, when he was about 12 years old. It’s a very painful condition. I hope your fur baby doesn’t get too sick, and if there is kidney damage, I hope it can be reversed.
Oh jeeze. Im so sorry you are going through that. A 5 out of 10 is not good
Thanks. She is whining a lot. Im not sure ifnshe isnin pain or what. I gave her a pain pill. But she isnstill whining
It’s been a 5 out of 10 for a few years now so I’m used to just dealing with the pain
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