I like that it is summer and it is nice to ride my bicycle early in the Sunday morning when everything is so peaceful and quiet. Here are a few pics.
You are a really good photographer.
I wish I would live there
Great photos. I’d like your summer. I don’t think I’m doing your winter anytime soon! I don’t mind the semi tropics…our winters are like bad days less than 10 degrees C and that is bloody cold for a warm blood like me!
Love your work!
I like your pics @mjseu Keep it going
I have just an older Nokia phone that I use to take photos, I can not use it for calling because I successfully broke its SIM-card location a few years ago. If I had a real digital camera, these photos would be even better. I really like to take nice photos.
I came back from Miami exactly 16 years ago. Today is the Veteran’s day which is why you see the flag of Finlańd in one photo. Temperature here now is close to that in Miami. It is just a little town in Eastern Finland where I was born.
I like winters too, I remember how I rode my bicycle in one winter Sunday morning and it was -16 C, I took photos and posted these also here on the forum. I like that every season is different, in autumn leaves change their colors and so on.
Mate…that is some serious moxy getting out there in that environment!
I do like your pics! It’s a part of the world I know a couple of people from and it’s great to see that!
I need to take more photos and share! I’ve just never been big on it but enjoy your work and others!
So beautiful pictures, I like the river and it’s like the one near my home in my childhood.
I like the ‘stream in the woods’ one I wish I had one nearby
You can see a lot of water in my pics, these are different water areas, my little town is surrounded by these different water areas.
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