The neighbors are not going to hire someone to kill me. He said they’d have to come out of state and by time they got here they would only get five thousand and waste their time. Pretty much making fun of me.
I don’t know whether it’s delusional or not, but I think making fun of someone, especially ovef something serious that’s important to them or bothering them, just isn’t right.
are you sure he’s not just trying to convince you that this is false thinking? no one is coming to kill you…tell your pdoc…you’re sick again I’m afraid to tell you.
My dude says no one’s threatening me. The sz part believes. I just need a break. I’m tired I take my meds like I’m supposed to. Thank you jukebox for your thoughts.
The way I saw it when they saw I wasn’t going to commit suicide they were going to send someone after me. I wasn’t going to walk into a crowded store and open up. The gun I bought was a .22 auto handgun. It would be really hard to kill someone with that. The danger was that someone might walk up behind me on a dark street, and I might have turned around and shot them. All this happened over 30 years ago.
I think the best thing you can do would be to get an appointment in with your pdoc. My hubby used to try to get me to see through my hallucinations, but it just upset me more. It may not be real, but what the people with sz/sza experience is real to us, and that makes all the difference. Sending happy thoughts your way.
I don’t have any advice for you just wanted to let you know youre not alone Im also in constant fear everyday of getting killed and its really making me miserable