We think it might be cool in a fight to act like a drunken clown to confuse and psyche out people who want to beat our asses. Because they want to be taken seriously, if you laugh at them and clown them it will mess up their energy.
So I do a little weird contorted dance, and then with an adrenalin boost I hit them as hard as I can.
Hey man I think you pay too much attention to your hallucinations.
My entity says schizo isn’t what it used to be thousands of years ago when we ran in the forest and trees and found shelter in the oddest environments you’ve ever seen.
My entity says we are the type of people who would have been in the circus doing amazing acrobatics and feats you’ve ever seen, like David Blaine and ■■■■.
Your entity is wrong. Schizophrenia does not make you more capable of performing acrobatics. It’s a mental illness, not an exercise routine.
that’s cause you’ve not mastered it yet ninja man because you were never taught the occult arts in school like so many other happy go loving children these days.
I’m not trying to encourage your delusions. But I’m curious, why does your entity think schizos would be better at acrobatics?
look, just please tone it down. I don’t want to have to ban you for fueling delusions when you’ve been making so much progress.
We’re not telling you.
Why not?
It’s not meant for you to know at this time or possibly ever.
Awww Well alrighty then
If you KNEW what we know you would be hunted like us, and you don’t have back up like I do.
And we have the perfect cover that these meds are doing something real and not supernatural, so we can now completely change in personality.
What’s the difference from you people consistently denying such occurances in your head, and he going with some of his ideas.
Self indited idiot dealing with madness, or a madman more on his side of the fence.
I don’t see a difference.
Keep what’s right to your own ordeals.
Have your sights on your own situation, and keep your preaching to the preachers.
You get off the forum.
Well said