My delusions situation

I see that my delusions are invariable linked to my Anxiety.

TO be honest, I wasnt having much delusions before I was deliberately hospitalized.

After hospitalization, and constant threats and abuse from my family It has become unlivable for me. My anxiety triggers the delusions. I have consistently seen this. Whenever I have a huge fight and my dad threatens me to send me away or send people to my place it triggers delusions.

Anyway to prevent this?. I am not in touch with them. One way is Anti-anxiety medications.

I am leaving the city for good in a weeks time. I am sure my delusions will go away once i do that.

ps: I have stayed in a different city for 4 years in the past 6, In those 4 years I did not have a single delusion. My delusions are linked:
a. To my parents
b. To the place where my parents can reach.

Once I KNOW I am away from them, the delusions do not hit me.

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I tried that, went all the way from Texas to California. And then back to Texas lmao

I’m pretty sure your patents wouldn’t put you in the hospital if you weren’t already delusional to begin with. You have no sense of perspective on your illness. It is time to trust that your family is trying to help you.

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If it’s your delusion, you can’t really get away from it physically,
because wherever you go ~ there you are~ with your delusion behind you.

If it’s really your parents,
you can sever the ties that bind.

my parents only.

No delusions with ANYONE ELSE whatsoever.

Probably I am not close with anyone else to have this issue. But I was close with my ex-wife and I am close to my Friend now and I have no delusions with them.

If you move psychotic, you COULD be shown a lot of people who say something nutty to you as an introduction – called thought broadcasting. This is just the area showing you who is psychotic. If you are able to work, you will be told by locals how things run locally so you can work best like do not discuss anyone trespassing in your apartment when you first move, just keep your extra car keys on you or in possession of trusted person, leave no money in your place, NO RX glasses or narcotics. Better to sleep with chair on door as some of the dick heads have walked into women’s apartments…You could ask any of the crazy talkers anything about the local delusional/troublesome stuff…

If approached by group of kids threatening, do not respond and you will be okay – this is gang stalking. It means you are in unsafe neighborhood as you are making some of these psychotic and you may be hurt. Stick to suburban neighborhoods to avoid this.

Now, possible explanation of your delusion toward parents: Your parents may be part-time psychotic and follow orders from voices a little to make it bearable…this is ALMOST normal any more. Some have their internal voice hijacked and they sound possessed – called thought insertion. It’s usually old folks or kids who talk in tongues but can happen – called spastic by older folks.

Someone may come up to you talking about something private to you to try to pick you up – better to check these out a little and see if he is good one or weirdo. You will probably get all good ones or weirdos so you know if you need to avoid them later…These know a lot about local community’s craziness but if he calls you a headcase or tries to use your disability payment, you need to file restraining order on him as the scam can be terrible from there. It’s getting hard to live alone in some places. I would never move to a place where I knew no one again after I’ve seen multiple women ruined for taking jobs in country or Colorado and ended up as prostitute or drug-dealer’s girl, cops keep here there or mental hospitalize her for fights.

All this is delusional according to mental care which just means they won’t help with this stuff or discuss it. Sadly, this is police for social issues, mental care won’t discuss it. Lots of people don’t act okay – some churches really tried to turn up the heat on people on disability after mental care like it was ethical issue, and stalked a lot of psychosis victims causing a lot of stress, and mental care won’t discuss it…Hard time… Do not get angry with your mental care or you could be given a long stay in the mental hospital at your own expense. If you don’t like your care, try another doctor and cancel your old appointments without a word.

See a doctor…

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