Got a call from jail last night from my daughter

Definitely a rough night. Today hasn’t exactly been a cakewalk either. I got a call from my daughter from the jail they were booking her on her warrants. I’m worried sick about her. Today just happened to be visiting day so I went to see her. She was mean to me as usual. She didn’t want to tell me what this was all about.

I’m trying to keep in mind that it’s probably harder on her than it is on me and to try to be strong and supportive but it’s really hard sometimes. Especially right now with the fiasco with my meds and getting very little sleep. I was having disturbing thoughts last night and actually felt like I was losing it. I called my ex and asked him to come over for a bit and talk to me. Just having him here helped a lot. I’m very thankful to have him as a friend.

My daughter has court tomorrow. The deputy said there’s like a 50% chance they will release her.


Do you know what she did?

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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No I don’t know

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I’m sorry you’re having to stress,

But for realz,

Your daughter needs some time-out.

She’s been out of control for a while and maybe jail will help straighten her up.

I know she’s a good person making bad mistakes,

But she’s grown and needs to own up to them herself.

I hope you’re able to have some peace and sleep during this difficult time.


It is good you were there for her.
She may not feel like sharing right now -
but I bet she was grateful to see you, no matter how she showed it.
Hope you both get through it.


Thank you @Charles_Foster and @Kxev


I’m so sorry this is all happening. I hope she pulls it together sooner rather than later. It’s so tough on us moms when our babies suffer, even adult babies


I’m sorry @Leaf but maybe your daughter needs to hit that rock bottom before she gets on the right track.
I know this is tough on you.

May you guys find peace.


Sorry you are going through all this. Sounds like you are very level headed talking about it even though you are obviously dealing with a very tough situation and a difficult time as well. Wishing you and you’re daughter all the best. Glad you have someone there who can talk with you and offer support.


Perhaps this will be the catalyst situation which makes your daughter put on her big girl pants.

Nothing like the threat of being sent to the big house to smarten you up. She’ll either see the light or continue down a path of destruction. From what I’ve read in the past, she needs to address her addictions first.

Best of luck @Leaf

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