She’s fed up with her life and frustrated. She says she’s feeling tired and depressed. Really depressed. I told her I would like her to get into some counseling. She said she didn’t know where to start. I walked her through it. But she was so upset I don’t know how much got through to her. I’ll call her this afternoon and try to get her to call to set up an intake appointment with the local mental health where she’s at. I told her she’s got to start taking steps to work her way out of her situation or nothing will ever change. She hates taking meds but unfortunately she really needs them to be stable.
it’s good that you took her through the steps that she has to do. I hope she will follow through with those and seek help.
it’s sad to hear she doesn’t like to take her meds though… i hope that changes.
My heart goes out to you @Leaf . It must be very hard hearing your own child in so much pain. Thank God she’s got you, to guide her through the process
Thanks @lekkerhondje and @Cragger yes it’s hard. This child, well she’s 22 now, so this woman has been spiraling out of control since she had her son a year and a half ago. I just want her to be ok and settle down.
I hope you can get through to her. Does she have a partner, or is she going this alone?
Sadly she is with someone, but he is a drug dealer who shoots up methamphetamines. He got her started on it too, although she says she’s clean now going on 2 months.
Man, that’s rough. Get her the hell out of there if you can. Unless he has a Moment of clarity, it’s unlikely he will change
I’m sure you already know this
I would love to get her away from him but I don’t know how.
That’s a tough one @Leaf . Does she see him as the source of the problem? I know you have to tread carefully, or it might backfire. Hopefully she opens her eyes
Maybe it’s worth while asking how she feels about him. I hate to see her suffer because of some bozo
She was complaining about him last night and I said you shouldn’t have to put up with that and she said I know but I love him. Gag. I don’t like that guy at all.
I don’t even know him, and I don’t like him already.
lol, you’re a good man @Cragger
Thanks @Leaf, that means a lot. You are obviously a very caring person
thank you that’s sweet
I sort of have the same problem. My daughter has the same symptoms I do, but all her doctor will do is prescribe ADs. That’s awful for bipolar. She isn’t full blown sza yet. I want her to get on a mood stabilizer, but she can only do what the doc allows. I feel bad for her.
She lives in another state, so I can’t hook her up with a doctor.
I’m so sorry. It must be terrible knowing she’s not getting proper treatment.
It is.
So I get your pain. Really.
Her daughter is an adult which means she has no control over her daughters actions and situation. It’s hard being a parent of an adult child with mental illness.
That said, @Leaf can encourage her daughter to leave but it may fall on deaf ears. The only control you have is to report the drug situation to child services for the sake of the little one
Good call 15151515
She doesn’t have her kids. The father has the kids. They are safe and sound in a clean, loving environment, away from her.