My cousin is dying

She’s only 40. My sisters step daughter is also dying and is 42. They need liver transplants due to alcohol. It’s such an ugly disease.


Sorry to hear that @LilyoftheValley . They are both very young.

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Thanks @Bowens. Yes, they’re both young and leaving behind young children. It’s so sad. And the family has to deal with it happening to 2 family members at the same time.


Maybe they’ll get a transplant. My aunt was able to get a liver transplant. She was a drinker too.


Wow sad :cry:. Hang in there lady.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing as @Wantsome480 liver transplant sounds like a amazing idea especially if they stop drinking


So sorry to hear that, esp considering their youth. My condolences. :white_flower:

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Wow. Im so sorry for this. Must be awful.

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I am sorry to hear that @LilyoftheValley! Thank you for sharing this too! 40 is too young to die! This reminds me to avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a killer!


Oh this is so sad. Sorry to hear.

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So sorry to hear that @LilyoftheValley :cry::anguished:

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I’m so sorry. Never easy to see people go like that.

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Thanks everyone. Your thoughtful words mean a lot to me


They’ve both cheated and drank alcohol multiple times. They have to stay sober for 4 months before they’re allowed on the transplant list

@AwesomeFisherman @Wantsome480

sorry to hear this @LilyoftheValley
must be really sad =(

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That is so sad. I’m a recovering alcoholic, so I have at least a small idea of what they’re going through. If people only knew what the word “alcoholic” entails. If people knew they would ban alcohol altogether.


My physical well being means everything to me since my depression is so severe, so I sympathize. I have a cousin I’m close to, she’s fine except severe anxiety. Anxiety can keep you from enjoying life. Death is sad, I don’t know if there’s an afterlife. I’m going to try harder to make things right, clean my apartment more and get exercise.


You and I are very similar, but I have gotten to the point where I don’t need that much social interaction, and I enjoy getting on the internet and writing. I went through times when I was pretty desperate, but that has pretty much gone away.

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I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley .

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I wish you loads of positive energy in these trying times.