My clothes keep going missing I'm so annoyed

Where the ■■■■ are my clothes going? First a jumper has vanished now a ■■■■■■■ set of pyjamas… my favourite ones too which were pretty expensive.

I’ve emptied out my wardrobe and drawers, nothing. They’ve just gone, vanished. My parents haven’t seen them and are trying to see I’ve misplaced them… erm I don’t think so, the only place I put my clothes is in my drawers or my wardrobe. Not there.

WHAT the ■■■■ is out there taking my stuff trying to mess with my head , WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES GOING FFS I’M SO ANNOYED RIGHT NOW



When I first got sick I didn’t think I was sick but I thought somebody kept moving my shoes. They weren’t missing just moved. Then when I was in the hospital I would notice the same thing about my slippers. I thought somebody was doing this intentionally to mess with my head and I really believed it.

My wife still asks me occasionally if I think someone is moving my shoes to see how I am feeling. I recently lost my favorite pair of jeans for a few days but I found them. They were hanging in the closet. I just didn’t see them

I hope you figure out where they are.


I sometimes misplace my clothes. Like, I was looking for my sweatpants EVERYWHERE, and I couldn’t find them. Months later, I found them in a plastic bag behind my clothes basket, even though I swear I’d looked there a hundred times.


I had a pair of sweats disappear and currently a sock, My glasses disappeared long ago have not found them to this day.

Some famous person was losing shoes and panties once, turned out the butler did it, he had a fetish. Could be a inside job

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If you have any brothers or sisters, or any visitors over, they might have stolen them.

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Likely not…

It is true though, one of my college roomies stole my effing clothes once. My nice ones too… Frankly was jealous of when I’d put myself together…

■■■■■■■ broke my bong once. I let him borrow it for an hour and he broke the base of it. Based on his past behaviors it was pretty hard to not consider it intentional.

It’d be hard to believe that someone in your house is taking things. Unless your parents thought the jumper was too provactive… or your little bro might be being a little weird. (Hey ■■■■ happens, I was a little boy once.)


It’s me I did it. :frowning:


It seems like I’m missing a bunch of clothes too.
Some of my favorite t shirts have vanished!

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Did you say you had a boyfriend now? Could you have left them at his place?

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I’m sorry to hear about your misfortune.

My clothes never go missing. I don’t think I have lost a sock in the dryer in over 2 years.

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Do you have a washing machine in your house or do you use a public one? I’ve lost stuff that way, either someone took it or it was stuck to the inside wall of the washer and I didn’t see it.

Maybe it got into one of your family members’ hampers by accident.

Oh yeah, you also might check behind the drawers, sometimes stuff slips over and inside the dresser.


My alters put ■■■■ all over the place. But I also lose everything ever. Just try to retrace your steps.

I hate when that happens, hopefully you can find your clothes and nobody took them

All my clothes are hanging in my closet, easy view

“jumper” is like british for swaeter, right?

It was Ninjas. It was definitely Ninjas.

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Underpants gnomes for sure


My socks always go missing god know why but they do

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