I’ve gotten sad news

My case manager will be moving to a different state.
I will no longer be working with her.

She stopped by to let me know.

She was awesome professionally and as a person.

I am going to miss her.

I am also anxious about getting someone new.


The world and everything in changing constantly don’t worry


Thanks @anon48059102!

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Hopefully your case manager will have some discretion in choosing your next case manager. It’s always sad to stop working with someone you like, but it’s also an exciting time for new opportunity. Stay positive.

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Thanks @anon17132524 I’m trying to stay positive.

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It’s always hard when someone special in your life leaves. Here’s hoping you get another good case manager!!!

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Yes she was special.
She always treated me with kindness and treated me as an equal.

I will definitely miss her.

Feeling a bit down right now.

Hopefully my next case manager will be just the same.

Thanks @anon78876561!


Post immediately reminded me of this old comic series about a homeless hero’s adventures with his social worker.

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My counselor just left. He decided to work at a state hospital for the criminally insane. I hope he’s ok. It sounds scary to me. I hope you get a great case manager again this time. Change can be difficult when you’re comfortable with something. Let us know how it goes when you meet your new case manager. Good luck!

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley I’ll keep everyone updated.

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I hope the next one you get will be nice too.

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What is case manager?Sorry for my not knowing?Is it like social worker?

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I understand because I have been through several therapists. I originally had one years ago that was very good. Then he got transferred to a different office and someone else was assigned to me. I went through several more over the years with different degrees of success. Finally I got the one I am with now and I like her a lot. Hope you’ll get someone else that you like and that is good for you.

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I had a freaking panic attack when my psychiatrist quit after nine years with her. I didn’t get a new psychiatrist until I ended up in the hospital after PPD from my last baby. I don’t like change. I think very few people do. You will find someone out there who will be helpful to you.

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A case manager is like a counselor and social worker @anon70049667.

Thanks @everhopeful @disciple and @anon78876561!


My dr is great!!!

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It’s good to have your “Advocate” like you described.Unfortunately,we here don’t have that kind of person.I hope your new will be open minded and good for you.

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Thanks @anon70049667! :slightly_smiling_face: 15

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