My attitude toward psychiatry is hostile.
We have no place for that attitude here, @Chess24.
Do you care to elaborate?
You don’t post enough.
Hope you’re in a good place right now.
Modern psychiatry has saved lives of many people.
I’ve had some good ones.
It might not be agreeable to have to trust in something that you know is light on evidence, but the sledgehammer AP’s seem to help
I think you have the right to your views.
I would never take meds if i wasnt coerced.
I have also been underwhelmed by a couple. I think the prognosis for psychotherapy is not good for a person with my personality profile.
I won’t listen to it.
If you’re mind is breaking down, you need help…the only real help that exists is psychiatry.
Psychiatry saved me.
I really had a caring psychiatrist. He gave me really good advice and was kind and understanding. Unfortunately he passed away. We as patients sometimes don’t find such wonderful people.
I had a hostile attitude to psychiatry for a while. When you are on drugs that are making you suicidal, that’s understandable I feel. But recently with my change to abilify, I can see them just as normal blind people. Blind, in the sense that they have no idea what psychosis is really like.
I’ve had a good team looking after me. I have much to be greatful for.
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