Mrs.sith has stopped me from

  1. tattooing my face like a maori !?! ( new zealand )
  2. tattooing my neck like a bikie
  3. burning all the furniture…( i burnt some of it…sofa, chairs, bed, mattress…etc ) on a bonfire :fire: outside !?!
  4. painting the inside of the house all black…or pink !?!
  5. selling all of our belongings
  6. harming my neighbours…so i stared at them instead for two years over the fence…until they went mad !?! :rage:
  7. stopped me from sleep walking ( which i did not know i did ) :door:
  8. buying an expensive truck before i actually had a contract !?!
  9. eating only ’ red ’ food for over a month
  10. thinking i was jesus…or god…or the angel :angel: michael !?!
  11. thinking i could heal people :woman: :man: or animals :bear: :dog: :cat: :hamster: :mouse: or bugs :bug:
  12. from being too manic…:scream:
    i could go on…so thanks mrs. sith …:woman:
    take care :alien:

Rock on Mrs. Sith!


What a wonderful marriage you have - nice to hear about it mr @darksith

Kate xxx


you’re a lucky guy @darksith, tell mrs, sith I said thank you too, I imagine she has helped you quite a bit.

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Lol cool

I always wandered what secret power have those nasty little kids who just stare at you for no reason at the mall and you cannot make evil face to them because they are holding their parents hand. :imp:

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While I can understand stopping you from many of those things, if someone wants to stop me from being too manic well…

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My girlfreind couldn’t stop me from painting the house pink! Mwahahaha!


I am curious. Why only red food?

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You’re one lucky guy.

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I was thinking the same thing…

Guess darksith ate a lot of beets, apples and chili peppers for a month!

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How long have you been together? Did she talk you out of those ideas or use threats like hospitalization? Whatever works.

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Top job! Mrs Sith, she rocks like my brother who is my Simon to me being River think firefly characters, he stopped me form doing some stuff i have to ask him as i forget a lot of the stuff i done in mania! we are very lucky to have so good people in are lives


@cj9556 my alien said to… only eat red food…it seemed like a good idea at the time !?!
@PinCushion been together for 25 years…mrs.sith just talked me out of it…or it was imprisonment in the death star !! :black_circle:
@teo …looks cool.
@Derpygirl your brother rocks too. :trophy:
take care :alien:

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Quote for everything “It seems like a good idea at the time” works on everything


I think you should get the facial tattoos. They’re cool. :japanese_ogre: My husband and I have only been married 2 1/2 years, and he has only had my paranoia to deal with (which is a lot actually) Oh, and apathy…negativity…sobbing in the bathroom (he doesn’t know I’m being berated at those times) He’s my life raft, but he doesn’t know that. He’s just being himself.

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No need for making a face…no expression with blink less stare works too. :wink:


they are all ’ little ’ psycho siths waiting for the signal to take over the world :earth_asia:
:man: :woman::scream::boom:
take care :alien:

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hi sith …
do u have kids…???

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wasn’t meant to be
take care :alien:

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Iti-007 for you sith, to give Mrs. Sith a break!

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