I am wondering what I should do about work. I have been severely unmotivated now for quite a while, and I am now being punished inside my head that I am not doing a good job and it’s bringing me down.
Should I tell my manager that I feel this way? Do I keep quiet and hope it gets better?
Not sure what to do. In October last year I was able to get my own place, and now I am not living with my parents I have no choice but to work to support myself.
I am not sure whether I should just be honest? Last year work was very busy and it meant I didn’t have time to think about myself during the day. Now things have been quieter I may as well not be there as I am being symptomatic at work and I am spending most of the day fixated on these things when before I was so distracted that it didn’t bother me at all.
Do you think maybe I should make an appointment to see my therapist and see what she thinks I should do? I am not sure if asking to be given more work to do will be too much pressure or if that’s exactly what I need to do. It’s complicated.
I can’t work anymore. The thought of work gives me a panic attack. I can barely get though the day without being overcome with anxiety and fear. I really don’t have any suggestions. When I was working I would always end up in the hospital every few years from a complete break down.
I’m a bit off-topic, but this reminds me of the time I cut my schedule in half, so that I had a lot more free time. but during the free-time, I was having thoughts about watching pr0n which I didn’t have before when I was busier. it was quite ironic. lol lol lol
Perhaps ask yourself first if the work you’re doing suits you or if you love your job. Do you love what you do? Or do you find it boring that you have to endure it every single day to support yourself?
You always have a choice. Try to look for more inspiration to get motivated. What is in your office or company that brings out the best in you? If none, then, do something about it! Good luck!