Mother couldn't wait to get back to her masturbation

I never knew what her problem was until now. Her husband was lack luster about that. They were a mismatch.

You saw ur mum masturbate?

Can’t remember for sure. But I know from my own behavior and from knowing her.

Maybe she didn’t like sex with him


I’ve done a lot of masturbation in my life. I wish pornography wasn’t so appealing to me.

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My mum is so against masturbation. She once saw me masturbate and this is wen I was young. She got really angry at me and told me I will go to hell for that. I hope she is not doing double standards.

Used to hear my sister moan when she was flicking the bean when i was young. I cant describe how traumatising it was. You feel fcking dirty just for hearing it.

People are rude

One time my mother dated a guy and was sleeping with each other.

I was in the closet. And I could hear them

Then I had to speak up about it

He didn’t listen

Your mom was cool.

Whoa people walk tf out or knock on a darn door first. This is nobody’s business

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