Most of my symptoms are gone

Good news, I haven’t had any hallucinations, and usually get them by now (a week before my shot is due). The meds have taken better care of my mood symptoms too. Usually the week/ week and 1/2 before, I get night sweats and broken sleep, all I had was broken sleep last night.

Did I have broken sleep bc the shot is due next week? It’s weird how I feel the difference, I also have faster thoughts.

Ex: my mom was talking to me yesterday and told me to slow down. Now that I know what it’s like to not have racing thoughts, I can tell the difference too.

Am I noticing these things or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill? My mom said I should be feeling stable bc I had an increase in the shot last month. For the most part I do but the two symptoms, broken sleep and racing thoughts started. They aren’t troublesome so is it in my head?

I saw my therapist this week and promised her I was going to take all my meds as prescribed including my sleep medicine that I had issues with. I have a lot of daytime drowsiness but my mood lifted, also I can dream up drawings and paintings just by simply staring off into space, which is a really cool skill I acquired.


I noticed a lot of things with my first doses of APs. The taxi g, cluttered thoughts were gone. It was so weird and nice to have a single train of thought. A lot of other stuff is one recall perfectly.

Glad you are having less symptoms. Hope it co times foryou.


@anon4362788 when you said “is one recall perfectly” do you mean that your memory recall is better? I don’t think I ever had all this clutter cleared out. I can focus, it’s great.

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No…My tablet gives me a lot of predictive text and weird autocorrect. What I meant was I don’t recall perfectly. I meant I can’t remember all the difference now. All I do remember was how different I felt.

I’m not longer constantly angry. Not irritable all the time. My memory is still bad, but that is the disease.

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Oh ok, yeah, I get the fact that you can’t remember totally. Haven’t you been on invega a while? I find my memory has it’s deficits but I can cope since it’s been going on for so long. When I answer the phone or call someone, the first thing they say I immediately forget. It’s frustrating.

I had memory problems before Invega. It’s the illness according to my pdoc. It comes and goes. Sometimes severe.

I’ve been on Invega since September.

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