Most embarrassing article of clothing

Going through these boxes I found an old “Limp Bizkit” hoodie/pullover.

It gets an embarrassing amount of mileage,

Not in an ironic hipster kind of way either.

I legitimately like Limp Bizkit and its a problem in my life.

Confess your shame!


I heard a Justin Bieber song I actually liked, and I even sing along to it when I hear it. :flushed:


And if you’re sinking into cold cold water I’ll be right here waiting for you… Lololol kinda liked this one…


I think I still have my khaki-colored corduroys from around 2000. I don’t wear them anymore, though. Way out of style now.

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Oh the shame!!!

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me too my friend :cry: I like despacito :rofl: and one ‘I am sorry’


I like “Love yourself” for some reason :rofl:


as for a shameful clothing item? I have none? Maybe my bridal costume for Halloween?

But you were so cool in the year 2000!


At the last metal show I went to (Mushroomhead was the headliner), one of the opening acts had a tip box at their merch table that had a sign on it that read “if you don’t tip, it means you love Justin Bieber” lol. Well, I thought it was funny. I bought their cd (love it btw) and put a few dollars in the tip box. I normally tip, anyway, since those bands live off of their merch and tips.

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Was it Sorry? I’m a big Justing Bieber fan. One of my favourite songs:

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Yep, you’re damn right I was lol. I actually had worn them up until a few years ago, when one of my female friends said to me “those corduroys are something else,” made me realize how out of style they were.

No, I can’t stand that song :stuck_out_tongue: It was this

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I like me a bit of TOTO!

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Oh, come on!

We went to high school around the same time,

Are you saying you never owned anything that looks like this:


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Oh, I like that one, too!

My pajama t-shirt which is really a 5x mens t-shirt. I wear it in public sometimes. It goes past my knees.

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Love it!

Sexy ladies don’t have to wear fitting clothes,

We have nothing to prove.


Probably my ‘members only’ jacket hahaha.

Those came back in style a little while ago though.

I think it’s a nice, light jacket. But it only looks good if I tuck in my shirt. Or wear it with slim-fitting jeans.

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That’s right,

“Members Only” jackets did enjoy a short revival.

Good thing you held on to it…


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